Spring Lake 3 Year Vision

Electronic Pledge Card

The vision of Spring Lake Church is ambitious, daunting, and exciting. It inspires us toward our future and requires our dependance on the Holy Spirit. For the past couple years, church leadership has prayed and gained clarity on next steps for Spring Lake to move toward fulfilling our church vision.

Our 3 Year Vision was designed to position our church to:  

To accomplish this vision, three connected projects are being pursued.

bellevue campus

The Bellevue Campus ExpansionProject was completed in October 2024 and included a gym with additional classroom spaces. Our Kids Ministry and Student Ministry immediately benefited from the extra spaces, especially the new gym. The gym has created an environment where kids and teenagers can act their age without fear of breaking equipment in our large lobby or worship center. In addition, the new classrooms allow us to offer more Care, Focus, and Life Groups for adults. The gym has also enabled us to provide wonderful outreach opportunities to our community.Various drop-in options and leagues have been formed to create a relational environment to engage our neighbors and friends. You can find out more about our Sports Programming below.

downtown campus

In early 2024, we were informed that the City of Green Bay was pursuing an eight-story apartment project in the city owned parking lot that our main entrance faces.Construction on this new building began in December 2024 with an estimated two-year construction timeline. As a church focused on our community, we are excited to serve our future neighbors. With that said, we are in the process of shifting our main entrance from the south side of the building to the east side of the building and adding a covered drop-off. We are convinced the new entrance will serve Spring Lake for years to come as we look to love and serve the downtown community.  This construction is scheduled to begin in April 2025 and be completed in the summer of 2025.

lawrence campus

Ourchurch vision calls us to expand our reach and influence beyond our currentfootprint and into Northeastern Wisconsin. Multi-site is our primary pathwaytoward that vision. Just like we experienced when launching our Downtown Campusin 2018, launching a new site will move us closer to people with spiritualneeds, activate more Spring Lakers, and provide ideal ministry environmentsthat will be big enough for quality ministries, but small enough forindividuals to be personally known.  Quite simply, multi-site has workedextremely well for us, and we’re excited to expand again through a new campus inthe Town of Lawrence.

In January 2024, we closed on land in Lawrence, WI. God's fingerprints were allover the purchase. The property is located on Lawrence Drive, a quarter mile northof the County Highway S / Freedom Rd Exit off Highway 41. This location isideal to reach Southwest Brown County and to extend our reach into the FoxCities. Securing land is a significant step towards launching a campus.  Afterworking to develop a facility plan, we chose a contractor to build our LawrenceCampus in March 2025.  The facility willbe 25,000 square feet, which is the same size as our Downtown Campus.Construction is expected to start in June 2025 with an anticipated opening inearly 2026.  Weare excited to expand our footprint to a new area of Northeastern Wisconsin! Tolaunch the campus well, we need as many Spring Lakers as possible to join thelaunch team. If interested in being part of the new campus, please contactPastor Arlen Chastain at pastorarlen@springlakechurch.org.

To be in the loop, please join our Lawrence Campus email list here.

To support the 3 Year Vision, a financial campaign kicked off in December 2023 that will run through December 31, 2026. Through the generosity of a Spring Lake family, the first $2 million received was matched with another $2 million. Thanks to the donations of over 485 Spring Lake individuals and families, we received that full match on March 1, 2025. With additional pledges, we anticipate receiving more than $4.5 million by the end of our campaign.  Coupled with debt, which church leadership has capped at $4.5 million, we are in good position to see all these projects completed, while maintaining financial health.  All gifts towards the 3 Year Vision will be used to complete the projects, enhance the project plans, and reduce debt for our church. If God is leading you togive, you can here: LINK

Throughout this process, we have consistently seen God's favor upon the vision.We had unity within Spring Lake leadership that was followed by overwhelmingly favorable votes by our congregation in congregational meetings. We've also seen over 500 households join the campaign. God is up to something special at Spring Lake and we're thankful to be part of it. We realize you may have additional questions. One place to check for answers is our FAQ page
In addition, Pastor Jeff Pittman would love to address any questions or thoughtsyou may have. Feel free to reach out to him at pastorjeff@springlakechurch.org.

Check out the videos below for previous 3YV updates shared throughoutthis journey.

We realize many people have questions beyond what we can share on a website. We have a FAQ pageIn addition, Pastor Jeff Pittman would love to address any questions or thoughts you may have. Feel free to reach out to him at pastorjeff@springlakechurch.org