Welcome to Spring Lake!

Love God. Mature in His Character. Reach the World.


Bellevue Campus

2240 Klondike Rd.
Green Bay, WI 54311

Service Times:
Saturdays - 6pm
Sundays - 9am & 10:30am

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Downtown Campus

301 N Adams St.
Suite #110
Green Bay, WI 54301

Service Times:
Sundays - 9am & 10:30am

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What to Expect Before Service

Check in your Kids

If you are new at Spring Lake Church check in your kid(s) at the check in stations, where our staff or volunteers will help you. As you check in, you will receive a name tag for your kid(s), as well as a family claim sticker. That family claim sticker matches the number on your kid's name tag. You’ll need it at pick up to ensure security for your kid(s).


Enjoy fresh coffee or tea

When you arrive, you'll find hot LUNA Brand coffee and tea available free-of-charge. After you grab a drink, you can feel free to look around or head into the Worship Center. You can sit wherever you’re comfortable and if you ever need help finding a seat, an usher would be more than happy to help you!

What to Expect During Service

Worship Service

Singing together is a way for Christ followers to unify our hearts, minds, and voices in an expression of praise to a worthy God. Music provides direction for our singing and participation is encouraged. Feel free to join us as we sing in worship to God.


The Sermon

Every weekend you'll hear a message that is rooted in the Bible and designed to speak truth into your life. We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.


Tithes and Offerings

Each week, Spring Lake Church receives an offering. If you are a guest with us, please do not feel any pressure to give. This is an act of worship for those who consider Spring Lake Church their church home. Tithes and offerings enable our church to bring the gospel of Christ to the world. Tithes can be given online or in the silver boxes in the lobby of each campus.



Once a month, we receive Communion together during our worship service. Anyone who has placed their faith in Christ for salvation is invited to participate. The bread and juice represent Jesus’ body and shed blood sacrificed that our sins might be forgiven.
Gluten free communion cups are available at the Welcome Desk.

Ways to Get Connected


Our weekly email newsletter provides an overview of the previous weekend while giving you a heads up on all the events coming your way. Emails are delivered to your email inbox on Thursday evenings.



We believe volunteering is one of the best ways for you to connect with Spring Lake Church. We'd love for you to consider joining one of our amazing volunteer teams!


Life Groups

Ministry takes place in community, and Life Groups are one of the best examples! If you're looking to learn and grow through life with other believers, check out the available Life Groups today.


We’d love to get connected with you! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at info@springlakechurch.org

what people love about spring lake